Visual Reference Points Changing

New VRPs (Les Landes Racecourse & Seymour Tower)

On the 23rd March 2023 the North-West Corner and South-East Corner Visual Reference Points will be replaced.

The North-West Corner VRP will be replaced by Les Landes Racecourse (LLR) LAT/LONG: 491511N 0021445W

Les Landes Racecourse (Approaching from the NNE)
Les Landes Racecourse (Approaching from the NW)

The South-East Corner VRP will be replaced by Seymour Tower (SEYT) LAT/LONG: 490927N 0020028W

Seymour Tower from South
Seymour Tower from the East

In addition to the above new VRPs the following VRP coordinates have been updated:

The CASQUETS LIGHTHOUSE VRP coordinates will change to 494320N 0022237W.

The ROCHES DOUVRES LIGHTHOUSE VRP coordinates will change to 490615N 0024848W.